Tidligere kuld – Kennel Ollegaarden

Tidligere kuld

O: (2006)

DKCH LP1 LP2 O´Shaya Bergerac de Hu x Balou von der Holzheimer Rehtränke
Born 12th of October 2006
4 females & 2 males, all black.

Orfeus, Orion, Onyx, Orion, Omega, O`Gaia, Orfeus and Odier.

P: (2009)

DKCH DKJUBV`07 KBHV´07 LP1 LP2 O´Shaya Bergerac de Hu x LP1 Rally-B KORAD Belgerac Zaro
Born 26th of June 2009
4 bitches and 2 males, all black.

Prinia, Pica, Paca, Panda, Panther & Pandion,

Q: (2011)

DKCH INTCH(U) DKLPCH DKRLCH DKJUBV`07 KBHV´07 O´Shaya Bergerac de Hu x Aristo di Terra Luna
Born 22.nd of August 2011
Groenendael: 3 females and 2 males , Tervueren: 2 females and 1 male

Qatla, Quenya, Qti, Qasue, Q´lima & Qooper, Qito, Qaydo

R: (2018)

Milou (Myka) x Fyrstmann’s American Prince of Chess (Vitus)
Born 23.05.2018
Shetland Sheepdog: 3 females and 3 males.

Racing Raychell, Real Beauty, Right To Hope, Road Racer, Ray of Light and Rogue Rebel

S: (2019)

Milou (Myka) x Fyrstmann’s American Prince of Chess (Vitus)
Born 20.07.2019
Shetland Sheepdog: 2 females and 3 males.

Spinning Spike, Silver Shadow, Spicy Salsa, Summer Sun and Spider Man.

T: (2021)

It’s All Mine Yippie Ya Yeah x Danish Millenium HeartBeat of Life

Born: 14.10.2021

Border Collie, 3 females and two males

Turac, Tattoo, Taiga, Tai Chi and Tipi.

U: (2033) – The Harry Potter Litter

It’s All Mine Yippie Ya Yeah x Quellyane Perfect for Ten Three

Born 23.9.2023

Border Collies, 5 females and 3 males

Lily, Ginny, Phoebe, Leta, Penny, Nimbus, Niffler and Dobby


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